Saturday, August 31, 2019
Female Foeticide in India
What is female foeticide?The act of aborting or terminating a foetus while it’s still in the womb, because it is female, is known as female foeticide. This can be done after determining the sex of the child before it’s born, through ultrasound scans. Although, sex determination in India is illegal, the practice is rampant and has become a multi-million dollar industry. Coupled with prospective parents desperate for a boy child, and physicians who are carrying out these abortions, female foeticide has become a shameful and shocking reality of our nation. What is the main cause of female foeticide?For centuries, families across many parts of India have regarded a male child as the preferred of the two sexes. There have been many social, financial, emotional and religious reasons for this preference and while times have changed, many of these reasons and beliefs continue to remain. Today, some of the key reasons that exist for the preference of a male child are as follows: The tradition of paying dowry at the time of a daughter’s marriage is alive and kicking. This amount can be so huge that many parents will go to extreme lengths to avoid having a daughter in the first place. A son is seen as someone who can earn and care for his parents in their later years, while a daughter will get married and go away.A son can carry on the family name, while a daughter becomes part of her husband’s family. Girls are seen as consumers, whereas boys are seen as producers. Many families consider it a status symbol to have a son, and a point of shame to have a daughter. Often, the pressure to bear a male child on the woman is so great that she herself might choose to get sex determination done and abort the baby if it’s a girl. Illiteracy, poverty and the tag of ‘burden’ that is assigned to a girl child, makes the desire for a male child even stronger.Modern technology has made it very easy to determine the sex of the child while it ’s still in the womb, giving parents-to-be the option of aborting the foetus and continuing to try to conceive till they get a male child. While sex determination has been banned by the Indian government, it does not stop families from going to great lengths to find out anyway. Not only are there plenty of scanning centres that reveal this information, many of the wealthier families fly the pregnant mother to neighbouring countries where sex determination is legal, to find out the gender of the baby. Once the gender of the baby is known, families that are keen to have a baby boy choose to abort the female foetus. The law on aborting is also strict, and the Indian government allows it only under certain circumstances.Therefore, by determining the sex of the baby and aborting it because it’s a girl, the parents as well as the participating physicians are breaking two major laws.What impact does female foeticide have on the sex ratio?Sex ratio refers to ratio of female s to males in a given region. Practices like female foeticide and female infanticide (killing a baby girl after she is born) have had an adverse effect on the sex ratio of a nation and gives rise to further social evils. As per the Indian Census 2011 report, the sex ratio of India (females per 1000 males) is as follows: Average India sex ratio – 933Rural sex ratio – 946 Urban sex ratio – 900 State with highest female sex ratio – Kerala – 1058 State with lowest female sex ratio – Haryana – 861 What are the long-term impacts of female foeticide?The most important impact of female foeticide is the skewed ratio it gives rise to. The dearth of females leads to other complications like female trafficking, kidnappings and in increase in assault and rape against women. Female foeticide is a horrific and illegal practice that has got to be stopped. The way to do this is by implementation of stronger laws and bringing about a change in the mind -set of our countrymen – uphill tasks, but absolutely crucial nevertheless.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ojt experiences employment Essay
In the first two weeks of my internship, I was able to develop a sense of diligence in every work assignment given to me. Adding extra care means being always attentive to the present situation, keeping the mind focused with what is currently handled, getting particular with every single detail without missing anything. This is the first thing that I must remember while working on the computer such as encoding financial data and other relevant information. I learned about the basic terms and concepts associated in different activities which are helpful in understanding its relation to other transaction and work. Lastly, I learned about some rules and procedures that should be strictly exercised and practiced. Sometimes, I was stuck with ample works to do all at the same time. At first, I found it so hard considering which task must be given priority that I forgot some other things undone. Read more: Learning Experience in OJT Restaurant However, I am already acquainted with the routine and can manage to handle different works efficiently and effectively all at the same time, with fewer worries as to committing errors. Upon working with the activities above, I knew about many benefits that the SSS have offered to those covered members who already qualify to claim them, such as retirement, death, permanent disability, funeral, sickness and other benefits. When you are new to something and have less idea with what you are supposed to do it, waiting for an order or request is way too better for the meantime than doing things you don’t know anything about. As of now, I get all works done smoothly with minimum of supervision. Once a piece of paper is placed on the table, I immediately work my hands on it. This far, I learned about the schedule of employees’ and employer’s contributions in connection to their monthly salary credit and monthly contributions. I was able to do a certain work less than the required time effectively and efficiently. We are taught about the registration of the self-employed members that within 30 days from the practice of profession and business operation, he/she shall register to the SSS â€Å"his name, age, civil status, occupation, average monthly net income and dependents.†Everything does not merely revolve around the work alone all the time. So far, I’ve bee an already familiar with the organization’s culture, work ethics, rules and policy, and values which I should conform myself to as being temporarily part of the organization. I was made to realize that the scope of our work should only be limited to what our supervisor had instructed us to do, regardless of how much I know it. Sometimes, we make things and decisions in our own when we think we’re good at it without prior consultation to the one in authority. I disregard the possibility that somebody else might be held accountable for whatever consequences my own acts would have resulted.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Effects of Economic Globalization on Cultures Around the World
This paper attempts to explain the possible effects of economic globalization on cultures around the world. It concludes that there is a possibility for American culture to be spread all over the world, and become the dominant culture of the globe. In doing so there is a possibility for the loss of culture in all nations and it being replaced with American culture. This paper also discusses the potential loss of national identity among nations, and especially among smaller, lesser known, and developing countries. It also discusses possible causes for this phenomenon as well as possible solutions. Although economic globalization is often thought of as an over-hyped fad of the 1990s (Naim, 2004) it has already begun on a large scale, and the consequences of which can be seen around the world. Economic Globalization can be defined in this case as the expansion of global financial markets, the growth of multi-national organizations, and the standardization of economies on a global scale (Tavin, & Hausman, 2004). This type of globalization has a profound effect on cultures around the world. Culture can be defined as the shared ideals, values, and beliefs that people use to interpret experience and generate behavior, and that are reflected by their behavior. In this case, the effect economic globalization has on the artistic facet of culture will be the focal point. As the phenomenon of economic globalization progresses it will become easier for corporations to become multi-national. The first corporations that are able to succeed in doing this will create monopolies or oligopolies in their respective markets, making it extremely difficult or impossible for smaller corporations to compete, thus driving them out of the market. With fewer companies leading the marketplace, there will be a smaller range of different products to choose from. If these corporations’ good or service is art, this will have a profound effect on culture. Varied art forms will decrease, and of the art forms that survive they will be homogenous around the world. This has already started. Because the United States is the sole remaining global superpower, it is almost always American corporations that have the means for their corporations to spread. In doing so they spread almost exclusively American culture. Thus the more homogenous culture becomes around the world, the more it will become like that of America. This phenomenon is often referred to as Americanization. Economic globalization has and continues to create a culturally homogenous world based on American culture, which has negative consequences to both foreign nations, as well as North America. Economic Globalization has already been implemented on a large scale. In the same way the introduction of the telegraph, and the steam engine was hailed for shrinking the world, the advent of the Internet and the jet engine have done so in a colossal way (Naim, 2004). These inventions have not only allowed economies to communicate and visit each other more rapidly than ever before, but they have allowed for the rapid movement of capital, information, and labour. Companies such as McDonalds, Starbucks, and Guinness Beer have expanded their markets to almost every country in the globe, and have maintained their stringent policies of quality control. So much so, that it is said to be difficult to tell the difference between a Guinness draft straight from the St. James Brewery in Dublin, Ireland, and one brewed and bought in North America. The movement of labour has also been rapidly increasing. Automotive companies such as Volkswagen have moved almost all production to their plants in Mexico from where they were originally built, in Wolfsburg, Germany. Goods also move much more freely between countries now due to advances in technology and transportation, but also due to the removal of international tariffs between countries. The North American Free Trade Agreement, for instance, has decreased, and in some cases completely removed the tariffs between Canada, the United States, and Mexico (Stiglitz, 2004). With the free movement of labour, capital, information, and goods comes a growing interdependence between nations. In the case of Volkswagen for instance the hundreds of employees working in the VW plants in Mexico are almost entirely dependant on the German economy. If Volkswagen were to for some reason go bankrupt, all of these employees would then lose their jobs. This interdependence among nations can lead to a complete loss of national identity, an extremely important part of a nation’s culture (Dougherty, 2004). As corporations expand their hold on the global markets experiences in almost every nation become standardized. Especially when it comes to the varied art forms around the world. Huge American corporations export American culture that in turn crushes developing culture in smaller countries. This is most definitely the case in the music as well as film industries. The four largest record companies account for nearly 80 percent of the industry, and are largely U. S. owned (Van Elteren, 2004). These music giants are Universal Music, BMG & SONY Music, EMI, and Warner Music. Because these four companies own such a large part of the market share, it is almost impossible to for local and regional music forms to compete and sustain themselves, mainly because they have no means of distribution. Also, because these companies are largely U. S. owned, and their largest market is the United States, they spend more time promoting and exporting American music than any other. On April 27th 2005 The Australian and U. S. top 40 shared 25. 7% of the same singles, and 6 out of the Australian top 10 were also listed on the American top 40 (Top 40 Charts, 2005). Even more shocking is that over 60% of the artists on the Australian top 40 were from North America. Of the Australian top 40, 3 listings were most notably significant in regard to the spread of North American Culture. Firstly at number 16, was Kelly Clarkson, the winner of a completely American competition, American Idol. Secondly, at number 17 was Simple Plan, a band from Montreal, Quebec. This is a practical example of how this trend has indeed reached home. Finally, at number 27 was Avril Lavigne. This is significant as it clearly illustrates just how successful the phenomenon of globalization has become. Avril Lavigne is from a very small town in Ontario called Nappanee, which has a population of 7760 (Med Hunters, 2005). Even though she is from such a small town, with the age of globalization the world is in, it has become possible for her, through these huge multi-national music companies, to export her music to the other side of the globe. These multi-national music corporations are taking advantage of their ability to distribute their music around the world, which in turn contributes to a musically and culturally homogenous world, one of American culture. The same phenomenon that is being seen in the music industry is also being seen in the global film industry. The American film industry is by far the largest in the world, with such companies Warner Brothers and Universal leading the market. 93. 1% of all the films in the United States are made by American companies. The same can be said however for many foreign countries as well. The U. S. controls 81. 4% of the United Kingdom’s film industry, 80. 6% of Australia’s, 67. 0% of Spain’s, 65. 4% of the European Union’s as a whole, 59. % of Italy’s, and 51% of France’s (Global Policy Forum, 2005). With the American film industry controlling such a large portion of the global industry, it becomes increasingly difficult for local and regional films to sustain themselves. The reason for which is that making films requires a significant amount of money; this money is usually procured from these large motion picture companies. The difference between t he film and music industry, or any other medium for that matter is that films have an inherent ability to pass on culture more efficiently than through any other means. Films can pass on and influence such aspects of culture such as dance, art, fashion, language (such as slang), and music all at the same time. This only further encourages a homogeneity of culture. American culture continues to be spread around the world through other media as well. American television stations such as MTV and CNN are being broadcast all over the world, as are American radio stations. More recently it has become even easier for American culture to be spread, through the Internet. American television shows can be watched and downloaded from anywhere on the planet, and almost every major radio station in the U. S. now has the ability to stream their broadcasts live worldwide through the internet. One reason the spread of American culture is a problem is because of the general lack of knowledge among U. S. citizens about other countries. Without much knowledge of foreign cultures Americans truly miss out on the many positive aspects other cultures can bring to a melting pot such as the U. S. There is however more statistics about the U. S. so it is easier to make this claim only about them, but the problem is most likely stemming from Canada as well. Because it is American culture that is being spread around the world, if American culture was more knowledgeable about foreign cultures, it would be spreading a more diversified culture. One reason there is this lack of knowledge could be because American citizens don’t travel to foreign nations to experience different cultures. Eighty-three percent of U. S. citizens do not have a passport, and of those that do fifty percent of them are over the age of 60 or under the age of 5 (Goodman, 2005). If no Americans are traveling one can conclude that they either have no interest to travel, or lack the knowledge to know where to travel. American students have extremely limited contact with the outside world and are becoming increasingly isolated from the rest of the world (Goodman, 2005). Traveling or not however, the ignora nce of the American people extends further. Eighty-seven percent of adults with a college degree in the United States cannot find Iraq on a map of the world. This is a country that the U. S. is at war with, and the citizens still have no interest or clue about it. This may come from a sense of superiority. A sense that the U. S. is the only country worth knowing about because they control so much of the world’s political and economical markets. Seventy percent of American are unable to name the president of Russia, a former global superpower who was the US’s rival during the Cold War (Goodman, 2005). The same amount cannot name the position that Kofi Annan holds either (Goodman, 2005). Perhaps a sense of superiority comes from the fact that sixty percent of Americans believe that they have a fully functioning missile defense system protecting them from foreign nations, terrorists and rogue states (Goodman, 2005). Although the larger countries of the world, such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia may be able to somewhat resist Americanization, this is only because they have a strong cultural background already established. The same cannot be said for all countries of the world however. For developing countries, to use a cliche, â€Å"Resistance is futile†. As American culture sweeps the globe the smaller, lesser known, and developing countries are devoured in its path. With no way for these countries to spread their culture to the rest of the world, and with the constant importation of American culture, there own national identity and culture is destroyed in the process (Dougherty, 2004). The problem lies also with politics. In smaller countries is it sometimes political-suicide to suggest not siding the United States, for fear of being shunned by the developed world, and thus perpetuating the un-developed status of their country (Worth, & Kuhling, 2004). Because of this, political leaders of these countries tend to side with U. S. on foreign policy, and only increase the effect of Americanization. Although in this age of globalization it may be impossible to stop Americanization or at least the standardization of experience around the world, one can change the type of experience, and one can change American Culture. Almost undoubtedly American culture will eventually take over as the leading force around the world. Instead of trying to stop this spread, one must consider the alternative, to change American culture. If American culture were more representative of the all the cultures around the world, the standardization of experience would cause much less of a problem, because all nations would benefit from the spreading of a variety of different cultures, and not just that of the U. S. There are a few ways in which the U. S. can accomplish this task. The U. S. must increase the education of varied international art forms within their schools. American schools must teach about foreign art and music, as well as to instruct students about global events, and current political and economic topics. Another way is for America to increase the importation of different cultures. They can achieve this through traditional media such as the television, and radio, or through non-traditional ways such as thro ugh foreign exchange students. The U. S. has more than 4,000 accredited institutions of higher learning, which accounts for about one-third of the world’s capacity (Goodman, 2005). If these institutions were to strive to bring only 100 foreign exchange students to their campuses, an immense difference would be made in the way American students view other cultures. American must also be made aware of the responsibility they have as the sole remaining global superpower. America has the opportunity, as well as responsibility, to make the world a much better place by diversifying their own culture and spreading it. In doing so they would be making the world more tolerant and understanding of other cultures, as well as spreading the positive aspects of each different culture. In this new era of globalization the potential for a loss of culture around the world is high. As the phenomenon of Americanization expands, the world stands to lose its cultural variation in regard to all art forms, such as music and film. There is also a possibility for the loss of national identity as well as the complete eradication of cultural and national identity among lesser known, smaller, and developing countries. Although the standardization of experience around the world may be impossible to avoid it is possible to counteract in some regards the negative aspects that come with this homogeneity of cultures. If the world, and especially America, becomes aware of their responsibility to spread a culture that represents those of all nations around the world, many positive things can be spread through Americanization.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
E-business and business analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
E-business and business analysis - Assignment Example Com has given me the opportunity to view the fashion apparel in 360 degree manner and also gives me the suggestion about ideal fashion line for me. I personally believe e-Business is extremely helpful in daily life also. Unique feature of e-Business is it’s time saving capability. For example, customers do not get the opportunity to check merchandise in retail outlets during the holiday seasons due to long queue and small store capacity while the same person can check merchandise in a relaxed manner while using the websites like Amazon, e-Bay and others. I believe e-Business has not only increased the buyer power but also increased product option for customers. E-Business Company like e-Bay has given the opportunity to customers to auction their merchandise without appointing any third party agents and I believe this facility has increased the transparency in transaction (ebay, 2012). I believe as a student that e-business has great importance in our studies. Home delivery fac ility of online shopping has also increased convenience for students like me. I also like the simple and easy payment options of e-business companies. Question 2 Cloud computing is the latest buzz word in the field of web technology. The technology provides various benefits like free installation and updating of software and email service, large backup space, free software access, creating document (read Google Drive) and saving the document in virtual space, customized calendar scheduling through Info Street and many others. The application has disadvantages like frequent server downtime, low privacy concern and few others. Overall Cloud computing is a beneficial option for small firms complemented with low financial resources. Small firms can compensate their resource scarcity by acquiring much needed data resources in cost effective manner through cloud computing. Small businesses owners have the opportunity to use Social media as fifth element of integrated marketing communicati on to promote their brand and generate awareness. They also can use social networking sites like LinkedIn in order to select candidates for jobs and it will save costs associated with recruitment process. Social media technology not only helps small business owners to increase brand equity but it also helps them to save costs. Small business owners need to use the mobile phones as potential medium to increase reach of the advertisements. They have the opportunity to integrate the advertisement message with latest Smartphone applications in order to generate maximum penetration. Mobile marketing provides various benefits like high response rate, direct communication with customers through text messaging, customization of services and many others hence small business owners should bank on these opportunities to achieve future business growth. Smartphone like Apple iPhones, Nokia Lumia, Samsung Galaxy has incorporated various features in the phone in order to fulfill customer requireme nt. Smartphone manufacturers are integrating latest technology in order to enhance customization in the offering. Small business owners can use the Smartphone applications in order to decrease both fixed and variable cost associated with certain office equipment and value chain integration (Ward, 2012). Question 3 The study will compare and contrast two social media marketing models such as Marketo’s sample plan and HubSpot’
Describe this art figuer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Describe this art figuer - Essay Example At first, I did not see the relevance between the title of the artwork, and the woven textile. So I searched the title and found out that it was named after the humans common cold virus. The pattern in the woven art is a resemblance of the actual genetic sequence of the rhinovirus type 89. Phillip Stearns is an artist whose works focus on translating digital information into an artwork. In the case of the Rhinovirus Type 89, into a woven textile. The codes are translated into computer-generated data that can be expressed through the textile being woven and knitted. Each color of the textile in the artwork pertains to the specific code of the genome sequence (Stearns, 2014). With more information on the background of the artwork, I found it even more amusing and revolutionary. How it was created shows the merging of science, technology and arts, and it is really fascinating to see that the letters or codes that scientists use can be deciphered by
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Comparison with Genesis 2-3; distinctive elements in Islam Essay
Comparison with Genesis 2-3; distinctive elements in Islam - Essay Example The Quran talks about how evil Satan’s intention was as the verses are explicit, â€Å"But Satan whispered evil to him. He said: â€Å"0 Adam! Shall I lead thee to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingdom that never decays?†It is clear to understand that Satan was always deceitful in his practices straying humanity from the good. As soon as Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, they were expelled from the heavens. This in fact was how humanity was initiated as Adam and Eve were naked. The Genesis again discusses this as it states, â€Å"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, â€Å"Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?†Whoever falls into the trap of Satan will always regret it because Satan is always keen in his motives to trick humanity into bad deeds. The Genesis just like the Quran foreshadows this as Genesis 2 states, the woman said, â₠¬Å"The serpent deceived me, and I ate.†Notice how the Genesis refers to Eve as the woman, whereas the Quran refers to her as the Eve. Both the Genesis and the Quran draw similar parallel to what happened to Adam and
Monday, August 26, 2019
Same Sex Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Same Sex Marriage - Essay Example I believe that promoting the rights of homosexuals and legalizing marriage for them is an insult for the sacred and traditional institution that marriage is. Our society gives us no right to play with the traditional values that has been set by our ancestors. Homosexual marriages will give more rise to non-serious marriages. As mentioned by Andrew Sullivan, gay men enjoy more sexual freedom and escape the strains of monogamy. Legalizing gay marriages would hence mean inculcating more promiscuousness and corruption into your own society. Gay men are more likely to have many partners than straight men and they are less likely to be loyal to only one partner for a long time. Hence, the traditional family ties would be further weakened which would in turn have a detrimental impact on the future generations. Many people also believe that by legalizing homosexual marriage, the concept of marriage would gradually crumble down. Over the years, people would start marrying their pets or would develop a love for animals and would then press the authorities to legalize that, thereby derogating the entire system that our forefathers have followed. People might also want to marry stuff toys, their mothers or brothers or sisters, so how would they be stopped from claiming their rights? To be frank, Homosexuality is still considered an abnormality or a psychological disorder amongst many conservative societies and they would be completely unacceptable towards the stance of legalizing same sex marriage. Also, it has been shown by numerous studies that gays are more likely to have a shorter life expectancy. Promiscuousness, drinking, smoking and unhealthy lifestyles should be avoided. I disagree with Andrew Sullivan’s claim that same-sex marriage would strengthen the culture of marriage. Heterosexual marriages are considered sacred because they are the reason behind the continuation of generations of a particular race. Promoting same sex marriages would mean promoting a
Sunday, August 25, 2019
International business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International business strategy - Essay Example As a direct result of this factor, businesses/organizations and entities rise or fall based upon the overall level of and effective culture that they are able to create within their respective divisions. Similarly, the external representation of culture is what impacts upon the consumers and in product/service users. As one can easily understand, and effective culture will create a positive feeling and likely generate a degree of returning consumers whereas negative aspects of culture will reduce overall sales and profitability and discourage repeat buyers of goods or services from integrating with a given company/organization within the future. As a means of understanding and defining the impact of culture plays upon a business entity, the following analysis will seek to understand the case of Shangri-La hotel group; an Asian hospitality chain that has sought to integrate its products and services into a more global market within the past several years. Firstly, due to the overall l evel of success that Shangri-La has been able to experience over the past several years, the reader/analyst can and should come to a unique understanding of the fact that the culture of this entity is ultimately a powerful positive motivator in determining the success that it has had in the past and will likely seek to continue to generate into the future. In short, it can be understood that the role of culture within Shangri-La holds a vitally important role in helping the firm to achieve the runaway success that it has within the broader markets of Asia. Before seeking to analyze the role in which culture has played in furthering and promoting the profitability and success of Shangri-La, this analysis will seek to briefly analyze and discuss some of the key cultural aspects that this author has selected to determine and define the level of service and success that of the far been realized. Although the following will not be an exhaustive list, it is the understanding of this parti cular analyst that these factors are of the utmost importance and have contributed greatly to the success and profitability that had been realized within the past several years. More importantly, as a result of a discussion and analysis of these factors, the reader can come to an understanding that in order for the firm to continue to display such a level of success and profitability, regardless of the particular market that they wish to integrate with, it is necessary for the business entity to continue to put forward these â€Å"best practices†. The term â€Å"Shangri-La†itself has come to mean a great many things throughout the world culture. However, the term is most basically understood as some type of ethereal paradise in which the eternal youth and happiness can be achieved. At an even more basic definition, within Asian cultures, Shangri-La means â€Å"eternal youth, peace, and tranquility†. Although will not be the purpose of this brief analysis to exp lain the means by which a name brand can promote a particular identity with regards to the consumer, as well as with regards to the derivation and promotion of a particular culture, these aspects must nonetheless be appreciated. In seeking to promote this idea of a paradise and tranquil place in which weary travelers can set their worries aside and enjoy and appreciate the solace that the hotel chain
Saturday, August 24, 2019
How my life would be if I was white men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
How my life would be if I was white men - Essay Example I can also turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented. And when I am told about our national heritage or about "civilization," I am shown that people of my color made it what it is. Another privilege is I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race. I can be pretty sure of having my voice heard in a group in which I am the only member of my race.  I can also travel alone or with my spouse without expecting embarrassment or hostility in those who deal with us. And there’s so much more to be enumerated. Some people say that racism in USA doesn’t exist anymore and that they obtained a color blind society. But as I experience, the so called white privileges is still very visible. I will never be a white man indeed, but still I’m hoping that someday, the so called white privileges will also be enjoyed by black man like me.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Philosophy of Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Philosophy of Science - Essay Example Secondly, his ideas on scientific imperialism are viewed as being important in the argument against science. There have been numerous studies showing that the use of science in the societal setting has not always been advantageous. In fact, there are some studies that show that scientific legitimacy was used to establish unnecessary and unpopular initiatives on populations. Thirdly, conflicts arise between well- established scientific theories leading to confusion in their interpretation and application. He states that Newtonian perspectives on the concept of gravity were rebellious as it went against Galileo’s beliefs. This shows that science is simply an ideology that society should be shielded from (Feyerabend 65). Historians support Feyeraband’s claims by stating that prominent scientists in the past including Galileo would probably oppose the modern day science. According to Feyerabend, science should be reformed and it should also be less authoritarian. Science is a treasured source of knowledge and should not be contaminated with ideologies of different kind. All ideologies should not be taken too seriously and if possible, it would be beneficial if it was read as fairytales. Science should be formally separated from the state just as the church is separated from the state. Science may be influential to the society but only within the limits in which the political and other pressure groups are permitted to exert influence on the society. Science is not a closed book but it is an intellectual discipline where examination and criticism of ideas can be done by anyone. The organs of state should therefore not hesitate to reject or criticize the scientific inventions when the need arises (Feyerabend 61). The consequence of the view, as I see it, would be that the government should not be allowed to fund scientific research. This is because, when allowed to interact with research, past examples have shown that governments are
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Politics and the English Language Essay Example for Free
Politics and the English Language Essay Politics and the English Language is an essay by George Orwell published in 1946 where he criticizes the way written English language has evolved. Orwell uses five texts from various contemporary authors to identify in them the perversions in the evolution of the language. He then classifies these into four main fallacies: dying metaphors or cliches, operators or verbal false limbs or the elimination of simple verbs and the use of passive voice rather than active, pretentious diction or terms used to impress rather than to convey meaning, and meaningless words or paragraphs that usually do not give much meaning. Moreover, the author emphasizes and criticizes the use of foreign languages amongst the English for useless sophistication. The writers main purpose is to reflect this decadence of the English language to the general decline in contemporary society and to relate it to Politics. In fact, according to Orwell, language is used for political purposes to transform it into a vague and meaningless set of prose phrases in order to conceal truths rather than express thoughts. This is exemplified with the case of political speeches, articles, and propagandas. Finally, he suggests a set of simple rules that could contribute to the reversability of the decay of English. Orwell seems to be quite objective since –for instance- he involves the reader in his text and even invites him to find some of the faults criticized, in it. Also, the six rules that the auhtor suggests to simplify English, could be very beneficial even for contemporary students in their writings. However, it seems that Orwell has used a prescriptive and quite subjective approach in his essay by which he finds what he is looking for based on the ideology he already believes in, that tends to be emerging from deep-rooted conspiracy theories.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Legal Issues in Gaming Industry Essay Example for Free
Legal Issues in Gaming Industry Essay When it comes to looking at the legal issues, we can that there are loads of them. The cause of legal issues rise when a specific games company copies other peoples work or they take what other games without permission. An example of such issue is when the Arktos Entertainment Group, who are the makers of MMO The War Z game, were found to have copied the terms of service agreement from the game, League of Legends. And as crazy this may sound, but another huge legal issue to fall upon the gaming industry when JUSTIN BIEBER filed a lawsuit against a company who develops Android Smartphones called RC3. All this hassle was because RC3 created a video game called Joustin Beaver, which parodied Justin Bieber. Another legal issue is copyright. Such incident happened between Nova Productions and Mazooma Games. The reason is because Nova sued Mazooma for copying elements from their games.. Jackpot Pool and Trick Shot. Regulatory Issues in Games. Regulatory Issues Seen as more and more games are getting violent and the no. of people who play them and commit crimes are slightly increasing, those violent video games have been rated in specific way. The first ever game to be rated this way was Mortal Kombat. It was one of the first ever games to have extreme graphic violence such, huge amounts of blood, people being ripped into half etc. The public found it so inappropriate that they rated it a Mature. It means the game is only to be purchased or played by a person who 17 or older. This is to stop anyone under that age from playing the game and having a bad influence. The ratings are as follows: In the UK the games are being rated by PEGI. The ratings are as follows: Ethical Issues in Video Games. Year after year, new games are released with even more improved visuals and game play than the previous selection of video games. But, in some games, better visuals and game play isn’t the only thing to be added into the game. The game is also loaded with ethical issues. Here are some famous video games and the ethical issues that creep in them. Resident Evil 5 – High number of racial stereotyping and abuse: In the game, there features a white male killing black enemies, who lives in a small African village. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – Prostitution, Drug dealing, Racist stereotyping: Including an African American person as the main character and the first mission being to steal a bike. Mortal Kombat – Extreme graphic violence
Arts Important To The Education Education Essay
Arts Important To The Education Education Essay The role of the visual arts in early childhood education has long been recognised and valued as an essential component of the curriculum. Eckhoff, Angela, 2011 The arts consist of variation of appreciation. The different forms of art such as dancing, drawing and painting, performance art, sculpturing and many more. The school curriculum has to embrace arts education. Art appreciation can be inculcate to children at young age. Knowing and understanding of the arts help children to express themselves in different creative art forms in which they are comfortable in. Art nurtures the child to be inventiveness as it engages the child in a process that helps in the development of self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, self-motivation and problem-solving. Childrens self-esteem will improve as there is no right or wrong in self-creative creation. In this way, children are able to complete task with self-discipline. They practise how to complete a piece of work with patience. As the task assigned in an art lesson is usually engaging, whether it is to complete a drawing or learn a dance, the children would unknowingly establish a positive attitude towards completion of the task. The young learners also get the opportunity to practise social skills through co-operative learning. For instance, the children could partner one another and dance to the music. They could even perform a simple skit together during a speech and drama lesson. As the child discovers the love in arts, they would also become self-motivated and freely express themselves in the d ifferent forms of arts. In co-operative learning, it is inevitable that each child will have different opinions and thoughts. In order to complete the task allocated, they would have to learn how to respect one anothers view. This is part of the process of problem-solving while accomplishing a group assignment together. Each child will have to communicate in a variety ways to express their thoughts and produce the art piece they want it to be or the way they want to express themselves in a play. The young learners will pick up useful life skills to solve problems independently. The belief that art education should encourage the childs creativity, imagination, and expression did not mean that all previous pedagogies were replaced. (Jolley, 2010) Imagination helps children with expression in dancing and also helped in language acquisition to find the correct vocabulary to describe their expression. A childs creativity should not be obstructed or corrected by the adults or educators. 2 forms of art In terms of aesthetic and creative education, dance has much to share with drama, music and the visual arts. (Davies, 2003) A dance is an activity that needs time to practise and gain experience. A dance performance involves choreographing of movements with a music or composing of a musical piece for a dance. Performing can be taken to mean to do, to show, to dance, creating as making, trying out, or composing, while appreciation is the outcome of watching, viewing, talking about and drawing about dance. (Davis, 2003) The activity could be an expressive dance in a drama played by the students. This class activity could elicit responses from children by initiating a discussion how the characters should dance, the kind of facial expressions, choosing the right piece of music to express the mood of the scene and the movements to go along with the music. Children would have trials and errors along the way in the making and appreciating in every part of the dance drama they have created. In terms of dancing consist of being a creator or maker, a viewer or spectator or as a doer or performer. (Davies, 2003) Hence, it is a great platform for children to practise problem-solving skills. The children would be fascinated when they are given a role to play. They would take pride in their roles and responsibilities so it would cultivate self-motivation. Self-esteem could be developed in the process of demonstrating the required skills. There are many opportunities for praises and constructive feedback to individuals to support them in self-discovery. Certain movement ideas frequently used by in informal situations seem to belong together and can be utilised in dance. (Davis 2003) Educators on their part, they can facilitate the students by guiding exploring different ideas of movement such as running and leaping, turning and twisting, moving and stopping suddenly. Children will be able to choose the right movement they would want to include into their dance. Educators may also guide children choosing the instrument they would like to use for the movement using different sounds. For example, the sound of the fast ringing bells can be the movement of running. Dancing is tapping on kinaesthetic intelligence where the child could learn through body movements. Through practice and hard work, the children could perform certain body movements confidently. They would improve in self-esteem as they successfully perform the desired body movements. Another form of art is drawing. Drawing from observation still represents a key component of statutory art education for children aged 5 to 14 years of age. (Jolley 2010 ) Drawing involves imagination and creativity and expression. Drawing helps children to express their thoughts with different kinds of lines and shapes. It encourages the young minds to be independent problem solvers as they have to decide on the kind of drawings they want to produce. Observation also plays an important part in drawing. For example, children may observe a stalk of flower or the movements of the grass when the wind blows and draw the expression of what they have observed using different lines. For example, curvy lines, straight lines and zig-zag lines. Once children are allowed to make representational drawings, rather than mere line and shape, they are often directed towards forms of subject matter such as cubes, cones, prisms, and so on, whether copies from pictures of three-dimensional models. (Jolley,2010) Children may also move to a higher level to explore drawing representational drawings with their imagination. Drawings are one of the best ways to document the imaginations of the learners. It allows the opportunity for educators to encourage the children through guidance and improve self-motivation and self-esteem. Educators may guide children by introducing the drawing of different lines such as horizontal line, vertical line, wavy line and spiral line. Students will then apply what they have learnt in their drawings. Students will also need to be given opportunities to observe the environment around them , space for creativity and imagination. Children are then taught to draw more controlled lines. (Jolley, 2010) In this case, children are expect to have the discipline to practise the skills of drawing straight lines. 5. arts education in the curriculum planning. According to the Ministry Of Education, Singapore, Kindergarten Curriculum Guide (KCG), aesthetics and creative expression is being part of integrated learning in the holistic development of the child. In the school planning, it has to include the childrens experiences in visual arts, music and movement allow children to be expressive, creative and imaginative. (Kindergarten Curriculum Guide, 2008) Therefore, it is essential to plan the schools curriculum according to the framework and arts will not be left out. In the schools curriculum, children are also taught to learn appreciation of visual arts and musical instruments. Children will be given chance to discuss about their own art works such as describing the lines , colours and shapes used. (Kindergarten Curriculum Guide) Children will also be given opportunity to appreciate, learn and explore the different sounds made by the instruments. It is the ministry effort to promote holistic education and the emphasis of the importance of arts education in pre-school curriculum. Teachers are the drivers for success implementation of a well-developed school-based curriculum. It is only beneficial if schools encourage teachers to attain subject mastery through professional development. Conclusion In a nutshell, we must value the importance of arts education as it develops the young learners in a fun and engaging manner. It helps to look into the childs development in the different areas such as self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, self-motivation and problem-solving.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Saboteur :: essays research papers
Analysts are still studying whether the two strips of cloth called gap filler that are poking out from the bottom of the orbiter could cause uneven heating during re-entry that may constitute a threat to the craft and crew, the mission's lead flight director, Paul Hill, said in a press briefing this morning. If the analysts decide that the gap fillers do pose a threat, he said, the mission manager may call for a risky spacewalk and repair maneuver in which astronauts try to pull the tough material the rest of the way out, push it in or cut it off. Mr. Hill said a spacewalk repair was not likely but that his engineers and analysts were looking closely at the issue and that he could not rule one out. Gap fillers, as their name implies, fill the gaps that NASA leaves between some shuttle tiles to allow for expansion and contraction of the shuttle's body from the extremes of heat and cold that it is exposed to. The fillers themselves are heat resistant, and are made of alumina-borosilicate fiber. Having gap filler poke its way out up from between tiles is not uncommon, but it could be a concern because it causes an uneven surface and can lead to unusual patterns of heating during re-entry. If a filler pokes out too much, especially if it is far forward on the shuttle so that its downstream heating affects a larger part of the shuttle's belly, it could be a problem, Mr. Hill said. NASA, through a long examination of all previous landings with protruding bits of gap filler, had found a comfort level with protrusions in the same areas that stick out a quarter of an inch, he said. But the two pieces on this flight are one inch and six-tenths of an inch, he said. This shuttle and the space station have been outfitted with more cameras and sensors than ever before, and so they might be detecting something that has happened many times in the past; it is possible that the feltlike material burns down during re-entry, and that longer protrusions have occurred in the past. But one quarter inch is within "our conventional wisdom," Mr. Hill said, and so the little strips of cloth have become an intense focus of aerodynamic analysis, he said. Aerodynamics experts have been studying the size and the position of the two gap filler protrusions, Mr.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Assassination of President McKinley :: American America History
The Assassination of President McKinley In Cleveland, Ohio, on May 6, Emma Goldman, "The Anarchist," gave a speech. She outlined the principles and methods of anarchy in this beautiful speech, where she said, "We ... desire complete individual liberty, and this can never be obtained as long as there is an existing government." Toward the end of her speech, Goldman said that most Anarchists were not violent; she added that she believed in their motives, since some people are unable to act without force. All the while, police were ready to arrest her if she said anything too radical. The entire time, Leon Czolgosz was the most supportive of anyone in the audience (Berkeley 1). On September 5, 1901, Leon Czolgosz entered the Pan-American exposition. He blended in with the crowd, and surveyed the security, grounds layout, and crowds. An enormous crowd was gathered to see President McKinley, and Leon pushed his way through the masses until he was close enough to hear the speech. Leon pushed his way through the crowd, determined to get close enough to shoot the President. A security guard blocked his chance, and the President was escorted away (Assassin Arrived... 1). The next day, Leon and McKinley returned to the exposition. In the afternoon, the President began shaking hands with people lined up by the Temple door. Near the end of this line, Leon waited patiently. His hand was wrapped in a handkerchief, which he held close to his chest, but no one seemed to notice. When the President reached him, Leon extended his left hand, pressed it against the President's chest, and shot him twice with the gun he held under his handkerchief (Secret Service Guard...1). He did not have a chance to fire again, because a black man - next in line to shake the President's hand - had already tackled him. In seconds, more than a dozen men had tackled him and were beating him up. At the same time, Secret Service officers and exposition police seized Leon and tore the gun from his hands. US Artillery soldiers beat Leon after this. McKinley, in the middle of this panic, is reported to have said, "Go easy on him, boys" (Assassination of... 2). When news of the attack spread, the thousands in attendance began a riot; some shoved their way into the temple, trying to see if the rumor was true, while others demanded that Leon be hanged.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Performance Including Education :: Drama
This task was to include education in a performance to be shown to primary school children. This performance needed to reflect on issues understood by children of this age and to be clear and straight forward while explaining the message. Three weeks ago we were set an assignment to last until now. This task was to include education in a performance to be shown to primary school children. This performance needed to reflect on issues understood by children of this age and to be clear and straight forward while explaining the message. My first reaction when I heard of this task was one of excitement and anxiety. I knew this assignment would be challenging which made me very eager to start as soon as possible. However I was worried as I knew that all ideas would have to be adapted for the age group and that there would be censorship issues. There were many ideas put in to a discussion on the first day of the task. Within our group these were our main ideas-Abuse, drugs, smoking, trust issues & bullying. However we knew most of these ideas were not compatible for the age group of the audience so we narrowed it down to three main ideas-smoking, trust issues & bullying. We knew that whatever idea we used we would have to make it humorous to allow the children to enjoy themselves. We also had some ideas on how to portray these ideas allowing the audience to understand and enjoy the humour. These ideas were- Men In Black(spoof), Batman(spoof) & Spider pants (original character made from typical superhero names and character). During the rehearsals we went through the different ideas and at first we decided to act out bullying through peer pressure however when we performed this to the group we found that it was very boring which was not what we were aiming for. So we then changed to trust issues using spider pants (we could not use men in black as we found out it had already been done previously we also could not do batman due to the costumes and props needed to make it realistic),However we were unable to carry out our idea of spider pants due to the unfortunate absents by myself and another person in the group & so when we performed this it did not come out right. We then eventually changed to a play about kidnappers. This entailed the theme of trust issues and was comical. It was not only the ideas that would not work though, we soon found that some members of our group were not prepared to work to the extent
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Psy ch
The following are all examples of descriptive research EXCEPT: (Points : case studies. Correlation research design. Naturalistic observations. Surveys. Question 2. 2. A scientist studied whether climate affected growth in rats. All rats were the same age and from the same parent rats. For the study, they were raised in three distinct climates: tropical, arctic, and multinationals. In this study, the climates are categorical variables . (Points : 1) dependent variables independent variables extraneous variables Question 3. . Changes based on biological and psychological forces are functions of roommate age-graded influences cultural and age-graded Influences normative and cultural influences biological and cultural influences Question 4. 4. Professor stone follows patterns as they relate to human habitats, development, and behaviors. She is an evolutionist an ideologist a behavioral a cognitive Question 5. 5. In a hypothetical study, researchers found that 5. 7 out of 10 people prefer red dogs to cats.These data results are statistically significant statistically insignificant statistically relevant statistically Indeterminable Question 6. 6. Surveys: (Points : 1) are self-reporting and always reliable. FIFO reporting and may result in dishonest or unreliable results. Returns with reliable results. Question 7. 7. The Law of Effect is the foundation for psychodrama theory psychosocial theory behavioral theory ecological systems theory provide nearly 100% Question 8. 8. You have observed and noted the behaviors of one learner in your classroom, who you believe to have a learning disability.You take detailed notes over a designated period of time, with time and date stamps identifying significant reference markers, improvements, or other changes in learning achievement and behaviors. By following this protocol you have conducted empirical study a case study a phenomenological study a comparison study Question 9. 9. Thomas is a teacher who guides his students gradual ly and only as they require. His students' learning grows on the foundational building blocks in a scaffolding fashion within a zone of proximal development. Thomas adheres to the reciprocal process as theorized by Freud Bandeau Woos KY Erikson Question 10. 0. Many people believe that vaccines cause autism. This is an example of a proven theory an inaccurate theory a folk theory a research theory Question 1 1. 11 . Gender is a social construct referencing cultural behavioral expectations for men and women. (Points : 1) True False Question 12. 12. Is a theorist who believed in a psychosocial model in (Points : 1) Frontbencher Question 13. 13. When evaluating sources, the following is true: (Points : 1) Begin with wick sources as the first step. You can always rely on governmental or educational sources. Blobs and news sources are rarely sufficient for academic study.Skepticism is not always accessory. Question 14. 14. Psychosocial development considers personality, social, and emotio nal factors temperament, cognitive, and physical factors emotional, temperament, and cognitive factors temperament, social, and cognitive factors Question 15. 15. Puberty is a function of development physical development maturation emotional development psychosocial Question 16. 16. Jenny is a single mother of three, whose children range between the ages of 6 and 16. She has decided to return to school at the age of 45. Her circumstances are examples of graded influences normative influences roommate maturation Question 17. 7. Cognition refers to the way about other people normative history- . (Points : 1) people think people process language, thought, and problem solving people believe in intelligence people use mnemonic devices for memory Question 18. 18. In a hypothetical study on the effects of aging in older adults, 100 a representative sample an aggregate sample an age-appropriate sample a random sample Question 19. 19. A researcher studied children and noticed that most advan ced in a fixed set of maturational or developmental stages, and that they were predictable by hierological age rather than in a relative or variable sequence.The researcher's hypothesis reflects the theory of Pigged Question 20. 20. By the statement, â€Å"Stages of adult development are social constructs,†the text means that consistent across cultures life stages are development is linked to chronological age each culture or society identifies markers, which may or may not be consistent with chronological age, for maturation or adult development maturation markers are consistent with chronological age across all cultures, regarding maturation or adult development
Friday, August 16, 2019
Addiction to Science Fiction
What do you think about parent's opinion about science fiction books My dear reader I will be delighted to discuss this topic with you†¦ do you think that parents would accept placing their children's minds in an imaginary world for too long that it may even affect them, would you, if you were a parent!!Science fiction is a world that is full of the writer's imagination or the producer's, and its full of imaginary creatures, such as: vampires, fairies, hosts, ghosts, and all the things that are not real, it's advantage is, expanding the imagination of the reader, when I read the science fiction book that I have, I try to live what's in the book, and for a moment I do, and if I got interrupted by someone, I just feel bothered and annoyed, but parents would say that its some kind of an addiction, which some of them think its wrong, or actually most of them, they go like †we want you to learn from the books that you can read, and we know that you are capable of reading great er books†, they underestimate it, that’s what I actually don’t agree about with parents,Because, well, I am addicted to science fiction, and it actually makes me learn some things and at the same time, I have fun because I lived what's in the book by only reading it, better than a movie, that may ruin the human's view of things, books teach (whatever the genre of the book was), movies destroy (not always but most of the time, especially this generation's movies). So I need parents to listen for their kids for once, â€Å"dear parents don’t just talk, sometimes I guess you have to listen at least for once let us give you our point of view†. Parents, tell me, do you rather give your children books that would make them hate the whole idea about reading or would you go step by step with me. Just by giving them the freedom to choose the book, know that you actually achieved your goal.Science fiction books teach, as a prove, my friend, when you ask her wh at's the goal she achieved by reading the twilight saga, she would say †I just had fun, and read, because I know that reading is important†but when you ask her about what she learned, she would say, †I learned to give my enemy a chance, because I know that there is no such a thing called enemies, but its desires that ruins the human's soul†And there is this other series VA ( vampire academy) an amazing series that me and my friend read, we had so much fun reading it, and at the same time I d like to tell you that I am actually clinging to it, more than any other book that I ever read. It's simply irresistible, and teaches to keep on standing up whenever you fall. I guess there is no harm in reading science fiction book, so don’t make it a must that we have to read realistic books, or some kind of a historical book, because it isn’t a must.My dear reader, that was my opinion, so tell me yours, but after considering my essay, I hope I reached my goal by writing this essay†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Twilight (summary) Isabella Swan leaves Phoenix, Arizona and moves to a new place in Forks, Washington to live with her dad. She does it so her mother can travel around with her baseball player husband Phil Dwyer. Bella didn’t used to stir much water in Phoenix, but after her move to Forks, she soon finds herself in the spotlight at her new school. To her astonishment and dismay many of the guys in class compete for her attention. Fork is rainy and Bella doesn’t enjoy it much – to her it’s boring and pretty lame. There is one saving grace though – Edward Cullen, the stunningly handsome guy she sits next to in Biology.As she’s trying to find out more about this mysterious man, she hears of The Cullens being un-human. Despite all the talk, Bella finds it impossible to believe there’s anything supernatural about him and his strange behavior. During Bella’s first day of school, Edward Cul len displays a strange level of tension toward her. She reasons that it’s because he doesn’t like her that much. Shortly after though, he begins to change his attitude and starts friendly talk. Then one day on a parking lot, an out of control van comes flying at Bella and is about to crush her to death when all of a sudden the van is stopped by an unknown force just before it would have squashed her against her own truck.Completely unharmed realizing she should have been dead, Bella turns her head and sees Edward, whom she saw across the parking lot just a second ago, kneeling next to her with his hand against the van. Bella looks at the hand shaped dent on the van and realizes that Edward halted speeding van with his hand. Bella didn’t tell anyone about how Edward saved her life, but when she approached him to explain how he could get to her across the lot so quickly and stops the van with his hand, he isn’t too keen to confess and refuses to comment. Th e spark between the two continues to grow despite Edwards’s attempts to avoid her. When confronted about it by her, Edward simply comes with excuses Bella is not willing to accept.However he mentions that it’s in their best interest to stay away of each other, as getting involved with her would put her in immense danger. Bella has no more doubts that Edward and the entire family of Cullens are un-human. She is hinted by her friend Jacob Black that The Cullens are a clan of vampires. When attraction between the two grows to a point that neither can be without each other, Edward reveals the truth about his family. He even tells her about his ability to read people’s minds and that he’s dumbfounded by his inability to ascertain what she is thinking. Edward and Bella fall deeply in love, despite the obvious difficulties a love between a human and a vampire presents. Edward is facing his biggest personal challenge in resisting Bella’s scent.The scent of her blood is extremely strong and desirable, and Edward is afraid that the natural instincts of a vampire he is would take over to a point that he wouldn’t be able to contain himself and would harm the woman he loves. Bella’s scent is then picked up by a tracker vampire James who sets on a mission to hunt Bella down for sport. The Cullens, who now consider Bella part of her family are determined to protect her and separate Bella from Edward, sending the girl back to Phoenix. Bella stays in a hotel and receives a phone call from James telling her he had her mom and gave her instructions on what she needs to do if she wants to see her alive.Bella surrenders herself to James, but Edward shows up and fights him. The rest of Cullens joins in to fight the tracker but he manages to bite Bella in her hand before he’s killed. Edward doesn’t want Bella to turn into a vampire and begins to suck venom infected blood from the wound. He now tastes the blood, the smell of which he found so hard to resist. He was urged to stop by his adopted father Carlisle Cullen. Bella was saved and after she’d recovered, she returned to Forks to attend prom with Edward. As the two walk into the night, Bella exposes herself and pleads with him to embrace her and turn her into one of his kind with a bite to her neck.Edward refuses, although the reason for this denial is unknown†¦ New moon Edward Cullen and Alice throw Bella an 18th birthday party. Edward is the vampire she’s deeply in love with. In attendance are the entire Cullen family, Alice, Carlisle, Emmet, Rosalie, Esme and Jasper. Bella accidentally cuts her hand with a piece of paper, this leads to a tense and somewhat violent moment. Jasper cannot control himself at the sight of her human blood and pounces upon her with the intention to feed. Edward has to protect her, an action that forces him to recognize the fact keeping Bella near his family puts her in danger. As they clean her wo unds a pivotal point in the plot occurs.As they speak, Carlisle tells of Edwards belief that Vampires lack a soul and that there is no better place than hell for them if they are killed. He speaks further, telling Bella of Edwards inner struggle, the fact that he doesn’t want to risk turning Bella into one of the damned. Edward becomes emotionally retracted as the story continues, until later his family leave Forks in an effort to reduce the risk of harm to Bella and ensure her safety. He unwittingly upsets Bella by taking the items she hold dear with him. Photographs and pictures that can be used to prove he is alive. Four long months pass, a time in which Bella enters a zombie like state.She exists but really isn’t living like she once was. Charlie is worried and tells her to wake up. To help her get through this difficult time she goes to see a movie with her friend Jessica. Upon the completion of the film she notices some guys with a striking resemblance to the sta lkers who followed her the year before. She hears Edward in her head fears for her sanity. She actually believes it’s her mind giving a wish of fulfillment. Feeling these delusions are her subconscious mind she seeks out alternative methods to trigger them. Jacob Black, her long lost friend who suffered grievous injures in Twilight makes another appearance in New Moon.Bella stumbles upon a pair of motorbikes by the road side and realizes they’re the perfect method to hear Edwards voice once again. She notices they need works and remembers Jacob unusual tendency to fix things. She takes them to see him on the back of her truck and pledge one to him should he get them running once more. Soon they become close and she begins to depend on him, he fills the void in her heart. Jacob on the other hand is romantically attracted to Bella, who is aware of this, she tells him they are simply good friends. As their friendship develops, Jacob begins to trust Bella and tells of the growing unrest and occurrences at La Push – a reservation.Jacob tells her of his fear of the leader of a group of guys by the name of Sam Uley. A close friend of his had the same feelings he was missing for a few days and upon his return had somehow joined the gang. Jacob elaborate by telling of their strange behavior and his belief they’re up to no good. He worries he too could go missing and be targeted. On an outing, Jacob feels ill and develops a strong fever. Shortly after Bella has difficulty getting in touch with him before she finds out he too has returned from his absence as a member of Sam’s gang. She goes to visit him at his house and is told that he must stay well away from her. He doesn’t explain the reason for this when she asks.After the fight and argument Jacob is feeling down and very regretful. He creeps into her room in the middle of the night and tells her what is happening. The only hint he gives her is to remember the legends he info rmed her of when first they met. Bella thinks back and remembers a story about Werewolves and Vampires. She soon realizes that Jacob and his new gang of friends are werewolves. This doesn’t sit well with Bella; there is animosity between Edward and Jacob because deep down they both love Bella. Plus they are enemies because of the natures of the kind. There is real cause for concern because of the rivalry between these two and the fact vampires and werewolves truly hate one another.The return of Victoria further complicates the situation. She wants vengeance for the death of her friend James the vampire tracker. He was slain by Jasper and Emmet following his attempt to kill Bella. As opposed to killing Edward, she feels killing his girlfriend is a fair trade. Therefore, it is down to Jacob to protect her. Jacob and his new found pack encourage Bella and her father to spend time with them at La Push where they can provide adequate protection. Bella begins to spend a lot of time on the beach. She longs to hear Edwards voice again and misses him dearly. Sick of everything she leaps off the cliff and plunges into the see where she almost dies in the hands of the ocean.Jacob comes to her rescue and tells of her friend Harry Clearwater’s plight. He is in hospital following a severe cardiac arrest. Bella immediately feels remorse for diving into the sea and returns to Jacobs’s house to rest and regain her strength. She begins to wonder what her life would bring if she left Edward and became romantically involved with Jacob. Billy, Jacobs’s dad, returns home to break the news that Harry has passed away in his sleep. Bella then gets a ride home with Jacob. On the journey she notices Carlisle’s vehicle and jumps to the conclusion that the Cullen’s have returned to Forks. Jacob rages and leaves quickly. Alice is waiting for Bella by herself.Alice tells Bella that she witnessed her fall into the sea and worries that she was committ ing suicide. Bella denies this but Alice is still unsure and wonders why then she felt the need to dive so far into the water. Jacob bumps into Bella during Alice’s visit and she sees he is still angry with her for choosing Edward over himself. During Jacobs time at the house Edward rings and masquerades as Carlisle. Jacob picks up the phone. He’s asked where Carlisle is by Edward and responds by telling him he’s at the funeral. Edward believes it’s the funeral of Bella in light of the news Alice told him. He attempts suicide. Upon news of this surfacing Bella and Alice leave for Italy to find Edward who is begging a Volturi to kill him.The Volturi deny his wishes so he attempts to enrage them by stepping into the sun and revealing the existence of Vampires to all. Bella arrives just in time and prevents Edward from following through with his threats. Shocked and confused that she is still alive and hasn’t been buried Edward shows affection toward his love. He believes these are the last few minutes the couple will ever spend together. Bella is confused; she believed Edward had no feelings toward her. The pair meets a Volturi leader by the name of Aro; he informs them that Bella must become a Vampire to preserve the secretive nature of the vampire kind. Edward vehemently disagrees but is shown conclusive proof that Bella will indeed become one of the vampire kind in the future.At first Bella is surprised and in virtual disbelief that her long lost love Edward has returned. She wonders if she actually died while leaping from the cliff and whether or not this entire episode is in fact a dream. Edward soothes her concerns and explains that he loves her and that he didn’t wish to leave her at all. He tells her it was for her own benefit and an act to protect her. After a long discussion she realizes that his love for her burns as strongly as hers for him, and that they belong with one another for all eternity. Edward is st ill unsure about turning Bella into a vampire. She sees this and takes the decision out of his control.They visit the Cullen house and start a vote over her mortality, requesting the opinion of all involved and whether they believe she should join the Vampire kind. The results are definitive, all but Edward and Rosalie feel she should become a vampire. Edward is angered but reluctantly agrees she should be turned following her graduation the following week. Carlisle is the one who they decide should perform the embrace considering the fact he’s able to maintain control in the presence of human blood. Bella isn’t happy, she would of preferred the act to be carried out by Edward but settles with whatever the Cullen’s feel is best. Edward agrees but only on the condition they marry first.During the epilogue of the story Bella reminisces and recalls her zombie like existence. She claims it was as if the previous seven months didn’t occur. Jacob returns the mo torbike to Bella in an attempt to stop Edward from seeing her, unaware that he visits her every night by creeping into her room. Charlie is incredibly angry with Bella and grounds her immediately. She isn’t fazed though, she knows with the love her life Edward by her side there is nothing she cannot achieve and that when the dust of turmoil settles everything will be perfect Eclipse This part of the story starts with the note Jake sent to Bella. It speaks of him missing her and that it changes little.Charlie blames Edward for Bella’s disappearance in New Moon as she traveled to Italy and her apparent craziness. He no longer likes Edward and shows with every ounce of his being that the vampire is welcome in the home. Seattle is also hit by a string of unsolved killings. Bella and Edward spend some time filling in college application forms and she tells Edward her plans and need to see Jacob once again. Naturally, Edward is against it, telling her werewolves are random a nd unpredictable, hurting those around them. In the meantime, Alice has a strange vision in which Bella is being hunted by a vampire. Edward hides this information from Bella and plans a trip to Florida with Charlie to see her mother out of town.Upon their return Edward is confronted by an angry Jacob, he demands to know why the return of Victoria is being kept secret to Bella and why they crossed into werewolf territory chasing Victoria. Bella is dumbfounded as Edward informs her that the trip away from Forks was for her own personal safety. Once again, Edward insists Bella's banning from seeing Jacob is to keep her safe and away from the dangerous werewolf. Bella, unbelieving insists that the pack are quite safe and that she’s never in harm’s way around Jacob. Finally, Edward yields and travels to the border with Bella where they meet Jacob and travel on to his house. During one such visit Jacob pleads his love for her and forcefully kisses her against her will. Unab le to resist his power she fights him off with all the strength she can muster.When he ceases the kiss she punches him as hard as she is able but only manages to break the bones in her delicate hands. Werewolves incidentally, are nearly as durable and tough as vampires. When Bella returns home and he learns of this Edward threatens Jacob angrily. Jacob tells Edward what occurred and they finally settle on a deal to work in unison to deal with Victoria. Later on that evening when Jacob has left, Edward and Bella decide to marry but only on the one condition that is they sleep together before she is turned into a Vampire. Edward realizes the severity in Bella’s voice and eventually agrees to try in the future but only once they have married first.Bella speaks of her concerns of what people will say and think if she marries at such a young age, this is partly confounded by her mother’s life and the fact she too married at such a young age. Spending the rest of eternity wi th Edward is of the utmost importance to her though, and when Edward proposes she quickly accepts. In an effort to keep her reluctant marriage secret she refuses to place the engagement ring on her hand. Bella soon realizes that her possessions have been stolen from her room to use for scent and locating purposes. Also, it becomes apparent that the recent killings in Seattle are being perpetrated by a coven of young vampires. Bella realizes the connection and the fact Victoria has been leading these newborns.Alice predicts an epic battle between the combined force of Cullens and Werewolves and the Victoria coven. A meeting between the Quileutes and Cullens is scheduled in the forest. During the gathering Jasper highlights and demonstrates some skills and points needed to excel in combat versus a newborn Vampire. Bella, worried Edward will be harmed asks him to stay away when the combat begins. Bella and Edward camp in the hills as the preparations for battle are made. They are soon joined by Seth and Jacob who too wait for the coming war. They use Bella’s scent and lay a trap to lead the newborns into the hands of the conjoined vampire and werewolf force.Bella enters a state of hypothermia in the freezing cold mountain conditions. Jacob taunts Edward by climbing in the sleeping bag with his girl. Bella pretends to be asleep and eavesdrops on the conversation between the vampire Edward and werewolf Jacob. Jacob speaks of his feeling towards Bella and confesses to Edward. Upon hearing this, Edward realizes that Jacob can give Bella something he can’t and the two come to an agreement. Later in morning once they have risen, Edward speaks to Bella about the engagement, Jacob, who was hiding and listening to their conversation lets out an angered and hurt howl of pain. He leaves quickly before they can catch him. Bella speaks with Edward and asks him to go and find Jacob.Upon their return Edward leaves to allow Jacob and Bella to speak. Jacob threatens to get himself killed by joining in the conflict, upon hearing her dismay and the fact she doesn’t want him to Jacob blackmails her into kissing him. He says kissing him will stop him joining the fight and getting killed. Edward returns, having overheard the entire conversation. He explains that he isn’t angry with her for having such deep feelings for Jacob. This is a fact that makes Bella even more miserable than she was before. Victoria and the newborns attack during the groups stay at the camp. The combined werewolf and vampire force completely decimate and slaughter the inexperienced newborn army.Victoria had this planned though; she skirts the fight and arrives at the camp to confront Edward and Bella alongside a newborn by the name of Riley. Edward pleads with Riley, trying to put him off the fight and explains the fact Victoria is using him. Victoria convinces Riley otherwise and he refuses to switch allegiance. A fight occurs in which Riley is killed by the L upine form of Seth and Victoria is killed by Edward. Bella watches the entire episode, causing Edward to worry for her thoughts and feelings toward him after seeing him as the unstoppable killing machine he is. She is unperturbed and throws herself into his embrace. She loves him dearly and has concerns for his safety and wellbeing alone. The war is over long before the Volturi arrive to tidy things up.Edward is reminded of his agreement to turn Bella into a vampire. Alice replies that they have set a date. Bella goes to visit Jacob who was injured in the fight. She reveals her final decision is Edward. Her love for him is far greater than anyone else alive and she hasn’t the will or desire to live another day without him around. Bella later returns home from La Push. She speaks with Edward who announces that they don’t have to marry, that Bella can have her way without completing her wishes. Bella states that she wishes to do things Edwards’s way, and they agre e to continue with the wedding first. He puts the ring on her finger and they both agree to reveal the great news to Charlie. Breaking dawnBreaking Dawn is split into three separate parts. The first part details Bella's marriage and honeymoon with Edward, which they spend on a private island off the coast of Brazil. Two weeks into their honeymoon, Bella realizes that she is pregnant and that her condition is progressing at an unnaturally accelerated rate. After contacting Carlisle, who confirms her pregnancy, she and Edward immediately return home to Forks, Washington. Edward concerned for Bella's life and convinced that the fetus is a monster as it continues to develop with unnatural rapidity, urges her to have an abortion. However, Bella feels a connection with the child and refuses.The novel's second part is written from the perspective of wolf shape-shifter Jacob Black, and lasts throughout Bella's pregnancy and childbirth. Jacob's Quileute wolf pack, not knowing what danger the unborn child may pose, plan to destroy it, also killing Bella. Jacob vehemently protests this decision and leaves, forming his own pack with Leah and Seth Clearwater. Bella soon gives birth, but the baby breaks many of her bones and she loses massive amounts of blood. In order to save her life, Edward changes her into a vampire by injecting his venom into her heart. Jacob, who was present for the birth, almost immediately â€Å"imprints†â€â€an involuntary response in which a shape-shifter finds his soul mateâ€â€on Edward and Bella's newborn daughter, Renesmee.This ends the enmity between Jacob and the Cullens, leading Edward and Jacob to regard each other as brothers. The third section of Breaking Dawn shifts back to Bella's perspective, finding her changed into a vampire and enjoying her new life and abilities. However, the vampire Irina misidentifies Renesmee as an â€Å"immortal child†, a child who has been turned into a vampire. Because â€Å"immortal chi ldren†are uncontrollable, creating them has been outlawed by the Volturi. After Irina presents her allegation to the Volturi, they plan to destroy Renesmee and the Cullens. In an attempt to survive, the Cullens gather other vampire clans from around the world to stand as witnesses and prove to the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child.Upon confronting the gathered Cullen allies and witnesses, the Volturi discover that they have been misinformed and immediately execute Irina for her mistake. However, they remain undecided on whether Renesmee should be viewed as a threat to vampires' secret existence. At that time, Alice and Jasper, who had left prior to the confrontation, return with a Mapuche called Nahuel, a 150-year-old vampire-human crossbreed like Renesmee. He demonstrates that the crossbreeds pose no threat, and the Volturi surrender. Edward, Bella and Renesmee return to their home in peace. I HoPe I mAdE My PoInT â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Start with an interesting beginning, or lead, to get your reader's attention.For example: if you were writing about recycling newspapers, you could open your essay by asking how many people have huge stacks of old newspapers in their garages. Let your readers know what your issue and point of view by including an opinion statement In each paragraph, give a reason that will convince your audience†¦ 1-start or end the body of your essay with a bang by arranging your reasons according to their order of importance 2-be sure that you logically support your reasons by using evidence and that you elaborate on your reasons and evidence Restate your opinion in different words, and summarize your reasons in one or two sentences. Close your essay with a call to action that tells your readers what you want them to do or with what strong closing statement.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Real Estate Values in San Diego County
In this paper, I’m going to talk about what cities and areas of San Diego have higher real estate prices and higher incomes and why. Although the average home value in San Diego county is higher than most of the rest of the country, there is still a large spread in average home values. The average income in San Diego county is in the top ten percent in the country. Like home values, incomes vary greatly from place to place within the county, ranging from around $11,000 to around $110,000.According to a survey done in 2009, a region dubbed â€Å"North County Coastal†is the most wealthy region of San Diego. this area extends from Del Mar to Oceanside. This is consistent with the general trend of coastal property being more desirable and therefore wealthy people living in them. However, Imperial Beach, while having coastal property, has both a low average income and home value relative to the rest of the county. Rancho Santa Fe is the wealthiest census designated place in San Diego. It is not located on the coast.It is a part of the â€Å"North County Coastal†region. It is surrounded by other wealthy communities. The location alone is not enough to explain why Rancho Santa Fe is as an expensive of a place to live as it is. There are places like Chula Vista with comparable landscapes. The pattern of wealth distribution in San Diego County appears to be that wealthy communities are built around other wealthy communities. These places are found in a thin coastal strip in the northwest and west-central parts of the county.This pattern could be extended to explain why this strip is situated closer to Orange County than it is to the Mexican border. Patterns of home value do not completely follow natural-physical desirability but are influenced by them. The places is San Diego County with the lowest home values are found in the far east county, outside of the San Diego Urban Area. The Two cities in San Diego county with the lowest home value are Bo rrego Springs and Campo. The lower value of these homes can be explained by their rural location.The average home values in these cities are around $150,000 compared to over $1. 5 million in Rancho Santa Fe. The lowest income cities in the county include National City, El Cajon and Lemon grove. There is a strong parallel between high median incomes and high median home prices in San Diego county. That parallel does exist with low median incomes and median home values. The median home value in El Cajon is more than double the median home value in Borrego Springs even though the median income is higher in Borrego Springs.This can be explained by the general higher cost of living in urban areas. What I have found in this project is that there are many factors contributing to where different income groups and home values are located. I also found that there are interests that intend to mislead. One survey, published in 2009 by the county of San Diego, gave home values and net worths tha t the fine print said were from 2005. It seams that some try to make things look better than they are and that others try to avoid being profiled.These to factors were the biggest obstacles in researching for this project. â€Å"San Diego Metro Home Prices and Home Values in CA – Zillow Local Info. †Zillow – Real Estate, Homes for Sale, Home Prices & Values. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. . â€Å"California Locations by per Capita Income. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 25 Nov. 2011. . â€Å"Formal and Fina San Diego Transfer of wealth study†-San Diego county http://www. energizingentrepreneurs. org/content/images/File/Formal%20and%20Final%20San%20Diego%20Transfer%20of%20wealth%20study-%20pdf. pdf
How to Plan a Great Family Vacation
Process Outline Planning a Great Family Vacation I. Introduction A. Lead In B. Thesis II. Reserving a room A. Choosing your location B. Pay the deposit for the room III. Purchase Supplies A. Purchase Clothing and accessories B. Purchase groceries IV. Packing for the trip A. Make check list while packing B. Check things off as they are packed up. V. Conclusion A. Restatement B. Ending Process Essay Planning a Great Family Vacation After working all year long, sometimes sixty plus hours a week, the mind and body can become very worn down. You have to have a break or your work performance could suffer.The last part of winter or the first part of spring, is when you start thinking, â€Å"Wow, I really need a vacation! †You can usually tell when that time is coming. That is when you think about beginning the process of planning your yearly family vacation. The process of planning for a family vacation will ensure a worry-free, pleasant vacation, from choosing and reserving a room, to purchasing all supplies you will need, to finally packing up and heading out to your week long vacation. The first step is to choose and reserve your room. You can choose the room based on several things, cost being one of the most important.You will also need to choose a room based on what activities you plan to do and what the hotel is near. You can usually pay your deposit in February for your July vacation. This guarantees that you will have a place to stay while you are on vacation. It also means less you will have to pay when you arrive for the week of your vacation. The deposit is usually the cost of the room for two nights plus a cleaning or security deposit. The next step is to purchase all the supplies you will need for the trip. You will most likely need new clothing that will be weather appropriate and any accessories you will need.For the lake, it is a good idea to make sure that you have clothing for warm weather, such as bathing suits, shorts, cover ups, and flip- flops. Also make sure to have enough clothing to last you the length of your stay, unless you will have access to a washer and dryer. To save money on dining out, purchase groceries to last you for the week. You can buy things to make sandwiches so that you do not have to spend a lot of your vacation in the kitchen. Also, purchase things for several â€Å"home-cooked†meals so that you will not be tempted to eat out often. The final step will be packing for your trip.Make a list of things that you will need while on vacation. Be sure to pack all clothing and toiletries that you will need for a week. Also be sure to pack any medications that you will need for the length of your stay. As you pack, take the time to mark things off your list. Did you remember all of the kids’ swimsuits, floats, water toys and sunblock? Did you pack snacks for the ride to your destination and games for the kids to play while riding to keep them from getting bored? Planning in advance and th oroughly for your vacation is the best way to enjoy your vacation when the time to go finally arrives.As long as you have planned correctly by reserving your room, purchasing your supplies, and packing properly, you will have a fabulous and worry free vacation. You and the whole family will be able to enjoy your time away, and you will make many memories to enjoy because you took all the stress and worry out of your vacation by properly planning the trip. Later on, you will be able to reminisce about all the great times you had with your family while knowing that you did all you could to guarantee that your family had the best vacation possible†¦
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
African Poetry
It is a historical irony that the same language serves the African writer in voicing his thoughts and feelings to the world at large. While discussing the future of English, Simeon Porter observes, It will adopt to meet new needs and in that incessant reshaping and adaptation, every speaker and writer consciously or unconsciously will play some part. (181) Today, the prediction of Porter came true of African writing in English. It brought strength and appeal to the English language by adding a large range of new vocabulary and usage. Writing on the problems faced by the African English writers, Chinua Achebe the famous Nigerian writer says, The African writer should aim to use English that brings out his message without altering the language to the extent that its value as a medium of international exchange will be lost. He should aim at fashioning out an English, which is at once unusual and able to carry his peculiar experience. (61) It is applaudable that the writers of Africa succeeded in accomplishing the above task set by Achebe, which is by any means not an easy one. Their successful integration of native experience and expression in an alien tongue received worldwide acclaim. Their success proved, as critics like Srinivasa Iyengar pointed out, A shot in the arm of modern English Literature has had to come from West Africans like Amos Tutuola, Wole Soyinka and Gabriel Okara. (16) The role of poetry, in African literature, has been highly effective in providing the people with the needful inspiration and the necessary insight. The language of poetry, for the African people, is a source of learning and becoming aware of their destiny that necessitates the knowledge of their past, present and the possible future. These and several other ideas fuelled African poetry in English. For the African poets, poetry became a powerful medium through which they conveyed to the world audience, not only their despairs and hopes, the enthusiasm and empathy, the thrill of joy and the stab of pain but lso a nations history as it moved from freedom to slavery, from slavery to revolution, from revolution to independence and from independence to tasks of reconstruction which further involve situations of failure and disillusion. (Iyengar, 15) When we read African Literature, we should, by obligation remember that, colonization was at its harshest in Africa. As history stands proof, it was highly exploited and savaged by the ambitious white man. This experience is on the minds of all thinking poets. Despite getting uhuru or in dependence, the bitterness returns again and again. The unforgettable colonial past comes angrily alive in a poem by Kenyas poet Joseph Kareyaku thus, It is not as you suppose, your lands, your cars, your money, or your cities I covet It is what gores me most, that in my own house and in my very own home you should eye me and all thats mine with that practiced, long-drawn, insulting sneer. (quoted in Iyengar, 30) In a poem entitled If you want to know me Noemia De Sousa writes ruefully of Africa, by effectively using the literary device of personification thus: This is what I am mpty sockets despairing of possessing of life a mouth torn open in an anguished wound a body tattooed with wounds seen and unseen from the harsh whipstrokes of slavery tortured and magnificent proud and mysterious Africa from head to foot This is what I am. (Narasimhaiah, 137) The much-brutalized Dark Continent is tellingly depicted in the following lines of a poem named The Shapes of Fear by Richard Ntiru. Like an arrested breath when breathing makes silence imperfect and the ear cannot differentiate between the conspiratorial whispers and the winds singing. .. a twig in the courtyard snaps and report of a gun is understood. (Narasimhaiah, 137) Nigerian poet , the Nobel laureate Wole Soyinkas masterful irony skillfully conceals anger at the racist attitude in his famous poem, Telephone Converstion. After negotiating for a house on rent on telephone, he tells the landlady of his being a black African. He was rudely shocked when he was caught foully by the ladys query regarding his darkness thus: HOW DARK? I had not misheard Are you light OR VERY DARK (Narasimhaiah, 149) The ill- mannered silence between the two is filled with images such as stench of rancid breath of public- hide-and-speak, Red booth, Red- Pillar-box, Red double-tiered Omnibus squelching tar that subsume the age-old and still hopeless and violent colour- conflict. The theme of English superiority glares through David Rubadiris poem A Negro Labourer in Liverpool: Here his hope is the shovel And his fulfillment resignation. (Narasimhaiah, 134) One of the most important phases in African poetry is Negritude, a powerful literary movement founded by Aime Cesaire of Senegal. Among other things, the Negritude poets favoured the theme of glorification of Africa. They worshipped anything African in scintillating rhymes. Anger at injustice meted out to the colonized Africa is also one of the oft-repeated themes of their poetry. Heres an example from David Diops poem Africa. Africa, my Africa Africa of proud warriors in ancestral savannahs. Is this you, this back that is bent This back that breaks under the weight of humiliation This back trembling with red scars And saying yes to the whip under the midday sun.. That is Africa your Africa That grows again patiently obstinately And its fruit gradually acquires The bitter taste of liberty. (Narasimhaiah, 153) Dennis Brutus, a South African poet, was subjected to torture by a cruel regime. His writing is full of images of love contrasted with images of death thus, Desolate Your face gleams up Beneath me in the dusk Abandoned A wounded dove Helpless Beneath the knife of love. (Quoted in Theroux, 2) Great feeling for Africa is felt in Abioseh Nicols poem The Meaning of Africa thus: Africa, you were once just a name to me So I came back ailing down the Guinea coast . You are not a country Africa, You are a concept I know now that is what you are Africa Happiness, contentment and fulfillment. (Quoted in Povey, 39) A poets affirmation of his love for Africa shines radiantly through the following verses. Dark Africa! My dawn is here; Behold! I see A rich warm glow in the East, And my day will soon be here. (Iyengar, 30) Deification of Africa is a fit topic for many African p oets. Perhaps this is their reaction to the self glorification and the civilizing zeal of the imperial powers of Europe. Bernard Dadies poem attains special significance viewed in that light. He says in a poem entitled I Thank God, I thank you God for creating me black. White is the colour for special occasions Black the colour for every day And I have carried the World since the dawn of time And my laugh over the World, through the night creates The Day. (Narasimhaiah, 122) In Africa, the advent of the white mans civilizing mission displaced scores of native societies from their own cultural roots. The impact of the spread of Christianity combined with material benefits such as classroom education and well-paid jobs forced many Africans abandon their own faith and adapt the religion of the pale-faced aliens. This situation is responsible for the natives to suffer from culture shock. Nevertheless, the native is expected to owe allegiance to his own tribal culture and embrace Christianity for material benefits. This cultural confusion is well articulated by Mabel Segun in a poem thus: Here we stand Infants overblown Poised between two civilizations Finding the balance irksome. (Quoted in Povey, 39) Gabriel Okara expresses the same sentiments in a lyric thus: When at break of day at a riverside I hear jungle drums Then I hear a wailing piano Solo speaking of complex ways. (Quoted in Gleason, 143) However, there are poets like Kofi Awoonor Williams of Ghana whose passion for past is expressed in his rediscovery themes with the help of extended rhythms as in the following lines. Sew the old days for us our fathers that we wear them under our old garments after we have washed ourselves.. ( The Anvil and the Hammer) gain, Sew the old days for me my father Sew them so that I may wear them For the feast that is coming. (Quoted in Theroux, 4) He accomplishes the same excellence of evolving extended rhythms in poems like The Long Journey and My Song. Poetic excellence and rare innovative creative ability are seen in Christopher Okigbo poems such as The Stars Have Departed. He says, The stars have departed The sky in a monocle Surveys the world under The stars have departed And I- Where am I? ? Stretch, stretch O antennae, To clutch at this hour, Fulfilling each movement in a Broken monody. (quoted in Walsh, 48) Images that can evoke a situation beyond hope which are reminiscent of Eliots war poetry are visible in the following verses from K. Brews poem The Search. The past is but the cinders Of the present The future The smoke That escaped Into the cloud- bound sky. (quoted in Walsh, 50) Some of the poets have realized the futility of fighting over issues such as race, respect and national identity. What more can be more illuminating than the enlightened poets words such as, You must leave the sifting sands of self- seeking and deceit nd erect far mightier mansions on the rock of healthy soil. (Iyengar, 36) Lenrie Peters poems are short on the print but deep on ones mind like the one cited below Open the gates To East and West Bring in all Thats good and best. The memorable lines of Peters poem On a wet September Morning with their sheer beauty of imagery and the underlying thought of universal brotherhood celebrate the oneness of the human family. To c ite a few verses, The echo burst in me Like a great harmonic chord- Violins of love and happy voices The pagan trumpet blast Swamping the lamentation of the horn Then the heraldic drums In slow crescendo rising Crashed though my senses Into a new present Which is the future. After this brief glance at African poetry, we realize that it is not simply an offshoot of British literary tradition. Despite the many disadvantages such as a scarred past, colonial trauma, expression in a foreign medium, inability to travel abroad, unstable economic and political state of affairs in their respective nations, lack of educational opportunities, the African poet has effortless creative capacity. It is an enriching combination of rich oral literature, native experience and imported tradition of writing in English that made African poetry a tremendous success both at home and abroad. The Black Orpheus (African Poets) is no longer an unknown or an unwanted quantity but a fascinating and often enviable and beneficent literary marvel from what was ignorantly termed as the dark continent.
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