Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Bless Me, Ultima Literary Analysis Essay - 714 Words
tSam Ennis Period #4 20 September 2012 â€Å"Bless Me, Ultima†by Rudolfo Anaya Literary Analysis Throughout the context of â€Å"Bless Me Ultima,†it is evident that there are many motifs and examples of dichotomy. I believe that Anaya uses the previously mentioned elements of literature in order to provoke his readers’ thinking and help embody a struggle of understanding the world we live in. Motifs in this novel include: family, dreams, religion, education, and the list continues. For examples of dichotomy, the idea of good versus evil is the most vivid in this novel. An important motif in â€Å"Bless Me, Ultima†are Antonio’s dreams. His dreams foreshadow major events and make him question his beliefs, especially revolving around†¦show more content†¦Two other literary elements that Rudolfo Anaya includes in â€Å"Bless Me, Ultima†are magical realism and archetypes. Magical realism can be described as something that is not necessarily real but is believable and could be considered a miracle. Archetypes are typical examples of a pe rson, place or thing. Anaya includes many examples of both not only to make the story grasp the reader more, but to guide the reader to interpret the story through their own lenses. An example of magical realism in the story is that of the Golden Carp. While many people would not consider it real, the concept is similar to the idea of god. The Golden Carp is something that Antonio considers magical and fascinating but is reluctant to believe in. At the bottom of page 113 Antonio says, â€Å"The Golden Carp came. Cico pointed and I turned to where the stream came out of the dark grotto of overhanging tree branches. At first I thought I must be dreaming.†(Anaya, Page #113). Even though he was enthusiastic to view the Golden Carp, once he saw it he had a hard time accepting its physical existence. Significant archetypes in this novel feature: Ultima as the good spirit and Antonio as the boy idol. Another important one are the girls from Rosie’s as temptresses. These girl s are the spark a lot of controversy and remain the reason for much of the sin in their town. On page 145 of chapter 14 Ernie says, â€Å"Is it true that your brother’s beenShow MoreRelatedBless Me, Ultima Literary Analysis714 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Bless Me, Ultima†by Rudolfo Anaya Literary Analysis Throughout the context of â€Å"Bless Me Ultima,†it is evident that there are many motifs and examples of dichotomy. I believe that Anaya uses the previously mentioned elements of literature in order to provoke his readers’ thinking and help embody a struggle of understanding the world we live in. Motifs in this novel include: family, dreams, religion, education, and the list continues. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Study On Preference Of Youth About Food - 1325 Words
A Research Proposal On A Study on Preference of Youth about food in LPU Submitted to Lovely Professional University In partial fulfillments of the award degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS Submitted By- Submitted to- Manish Kashyap Dr.Anand Thakur Harshit Srvastava Associate Professor Mridul Kr. Pandey Amit Kr.Gauarv Faculty of Business Applied Arts Lovely Professional University CONTENTS S.NO TOPIC PAGE 1. Introduction 3 2. Background 3-4 3. Structure 4 4. Current scenario of Campus Cafe 5-7 5. SWOT Analysis 8 6. Literature Review 9-10 7. Research Gap 11 8. Objective of the Study 12 9. Proposed Research Methodology 12-13 10. Bibliography 14 Introduction Now a days people prefer to eat foods of their taste at their respective preferable places only. They want to grab foods from the stores which are situated near to home/working places. They don’t to prefer to walk a long to order foods. This is mostly done by large community of our country i.e. YOUTH .Similarly, this project is about the research on Preference of youth about foods in Campus Cafà ©. How Departmental stores, Kiosk affected the sales of Campus Cafà © and no of customers reduced to come for different occasions for ex:- birthday, anniversary etc. Background Campus Cafà © is a eating joint in Lpu which offers delicious food, superior services with innovative practices. They provide multi-cuisine menus ranging from Indian toShow MoreRelatedObesity : Obesity And Obesity1637 Words  | 7 Pagescontributing factors to this increase in obese youths. A possible contributing factor is food advertisements that contain poor-nutrient food and are targeted at children. Children and adolescents are constantly exposed to various advertisements on a daily basis. 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Different behaviors include dietary patterns, medication use, physical inactivity, and other exposures. Additional contributing factors in society include the food and physical activity envir onment, education and skills, and food marketing and promotion. Childhood obesity is a significant health problem in the UnitedRead MoreChildren s Purchasing Decisions Are Affected By The Persuasive Nature1496 Words  | 6 PagesNow try asking that same child about any character that is associated with any major brand of cereal and I think you will probably be impressed by the knowledge they have on the subject. One would argue that is because they may love the cereal but I think it has more to do with the effectiveness of advertising. There was a study published recently on how familiar characters influence children’s judgements about information and products. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Missing Essay Example For Students
Missing Essay I am a Grade 8 student. It all started when i was born. Born in a filthy old run-down hospital, with no real doctors. I dont even know why it was legal. Anyways while I was inside of my mom, the doctors said I would probably be deaf, or have a major bad birth defect or be blind my whole life. Not being certified doctors, my parents didnt believe themmmm. They went to see the doctor about where the defect would be on me. He said, There is no defect in or on you, its probably just a lie. Well, I disagreed with him because I found out when I started school what the defect was. It was non-existence, unpopularity, and unattractiveness. Just in case you were wondering, my name is Katy. I am now 14 years old in grade 9 and officially have no friends what soever. I grew up as what you can say a loser. I had and will never have any friends, and I was bullied. It was so bad, it even happened in preschool. Im as stupid as a branch on a tree, and well my life is the worst anyone could ever want. Actually, no one would ever want my life. My parents divorced because of a huge argument they got into when I was about 6 years old. Its been hard for me ever since my dad moved out. I live with my mom, and my dad lives just around the corner. I still dont understand why they dont just get back together for the sake of me. I use to wonder if it was my fault for the divorce. Was it a problem that I was born or something? No. Its not your fault! Thats what my mom used to always say to me. She said it was just not working for her. She means her marriage, but I think it means having me born. Monday, May 13/03 One morning as I was waking at 12:00 noon, I didnt smell any breakfastbeing made. Usually my mom would make pancakes that would fill up the whole house with yummy fragrances Right then I noticed something was wrong. I went to see my mom in her bedroom, but she was GONE!!!!!!!! How could this happen? Who couldve done this? I said thinking to myself. After finding out my mom was missing, I ran straight to the phone to call the police. Hello 911 emergency system. What is the problem? said a kind voice. My mom is missing!!!!! I dont know where she is!!!!! I said as I panicked. Ill send some help over soon. For now just stay on the phone with me okay? Okay. I said as I ran into every room, checking to see if my mom was anywhere. The police arrived so I hung up the phone. They had several weapons and tasers on them. So, when did you last see your mom? I said, Last night before I went to bed. Did you look all over your house? Yes! I already checked everywhere. Even th basement! As I was talking, the head-chief was calling in back up and a few detectives to find out if she was murdered, or if she was still in the house somewhere. After about 5-6 hours,the police and detectives gave up. They called off the search beacuse they didnt find anything. Not a single clue to help them. They said to me, Dont panic. Everything is under conrol. we didnt find anthting of your moms in the house. Its like she never existed. We are very sorry to call off the search, but we have to because theres no sign of your mother being alive. We are truly sorry for your loss if she did exist at one time.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Great Gatsby And The American Dreams Essay Example For Students
The Great Gatsby And The American Dreams Essay The American Dream’s most basic definition is that anyone from any beginning could achieve wealth and status. Gangsters rose to power, taking advantage of Prohibition and turning to bootlegging turning a pretty profit. Immigrants from all over Europe used this as motivation to find a better life in America. This idea of â€Å"rags to riches†is portrayed in The Great Gatsby and is the primary ideology of The Roaring 20s. Booze, money, and corruption. The embodiment of The Roaring 20s. 1920, Congress shocks the world passing the Volstead Act, banning alcohol causing the start of the infamous Prohibition. Bootlegging became a get rich quick scheme, speakeasies popped up on every street corner, and powerful politicians were accepting bribes from anyone who could pay. The president became a figure head with all the power belonging to corrupt officials and gangsters. The 1920s was a notorious period of unrest in the United States. What was thought to be healthy for America, Prohibition increased alcohol consumption and the corruption rate was the highest it has ever been with half of America’s politicians accepting back door bribes and illegal drinking. We will write a custom essay on The Great Gatsby And The American Dreams specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now According to The 1920’s, â€Å"Prohibition allowed for a huge black market dominated by criminal groups. Each big city had its local crime syndicate.†(Wukovitz 11) It presented such a massive problem that Al Capone had total control of Chicago. All of the city officials were either too frightened to contest him or were under Capone’s rule. These infamous gangsters were above the law and ruled urban cities with an iron fist. Speakeasies, the nightclubs of the 1920s, were the face of the Roaring 20s. Robert Benchley says, â€Å"There were thirty-eight speakeasies on East Fifty Second Street alon. . while turning a pretty profit. With the rise of the speakeasies, the need for alcohol also rose to supply them. Many turned to bootlegging, the making and distribution of illegal alcohol as their â€Å"get rich quick†token. In Fitzgerald’s novel the people who attend Gatsby’s party are enjoying their own version of the American Dream, having a good time and living in the moment. Of course, there is the classic example portrayed through Gatsby of an impoverished individual turned successful through his own means.Portrayed in The Great Gatsby, the idea of â€Å"rags to riches†is the primary ideology of The Roaring 20s. Living life to the fullest and having a good time was a staple of this time. People could build up a new identity for themselves whether it be from illegal or honest means. People could achieve their idea of their American Dream with hard work and dedication.
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